Rise to the Challenge: Share Your Success Stories

How have you seen schools rising to the challenge, in your own community or across the state?

To complement the data-driven SCORE Prize, SCORE would like to celebrate teachers, school administrators, parents, and education-reform activists across Tennessee by collecting and sharing personal stories of how schools are boosting student performance.

For example, one school sets very high expectations for its students, setting specific goals for mastering content and performing well on ACT practice tests. These expectations are prominently displayed on classroom bulletin boards and have resulted in high achievement from students:

SCORE wants to hear from you about how Tennessee schools are driving student success. You can submit your story to Rise to the Challenge by doing one of the following:

  • Emailing a photo and a brief summary to submissions@tennesseescore.org.
  • Tweeting your summary and a link to your photo using the hashtag “#rise2challenge.”
  • Uploading your photo and summary to your personal Facebook profile, and tagging SCORE.
  • Posting your photo and summary on the SCORE Facebook page, and tagging yourself (required) and your school (optional).
  • Leaving a comment on this blog post, including your summary and a link to your photo.

SCORE will curate photo submissions on Flickr and in a “Rise to the Challenge” album on the SCORE Facebook page. In addition, SCORE will highlight submissions in daily Twitter and Facebook updates and weekly posts on The Score Sheet.

On September 13, SCORE will publish the top three stories on The SCORE Sheet and encourage readers to vote on their favorite entries by leaving a comment or tweeting. The top selection will be recognized  at the SCORE Prize Award Event on September 20.

The Rise to the Challenge campaign will continue to spread awareness of sustained momentum in the state education reform movement and spark discussion around innovative ideas and processes.


The SCORE Sheet is the online conversation on public education reform in Tennessee, and is hosted by the State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE). The blog mirrors SCORE’s collaborative nature and features contributors from across the Volunteer State including parents, teachers, policymakers, community groups, and members of SCORE’s staff. Regardless of perspective, contributors share a common goal: that every child graduates from high school prepared for college or the workforce.

Posted on August 29, 2011, in General, SCORE. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Those of us who can’t attend the September 13 event will benefit from this activity! Thanks for showcasing what’s right with Tennessee schools . . . and how all of us can learn from the innovation of others!

  2. Can you be more specific about the length of the story? Is this a paper on what has turned around a school or just a glimpse at one successful part of the success story? More guidance as to length would be appreciated!

  3. Rusha – thanks for your interest! We are looking for specific success stories about how schools are boosting student performance and success. If it’s just a short glimpse at one successful technique (like providing after school tutors to students or setting the expectation that every student at the school will score at least a 25 on the ACT, for example), then that’s great. If it’s a longer story about many different efforts combining to improve student success, then that’s great too!

    Hope that helps, and looking forward to your success story!

    • I posted a picture and short explanation for the rise to the challenge. Can you tell me if I did it correctly?

      • @Kari: We got your submission on Facebook! Great story of how your classroom is using innovative methods to “rise to the challenge” of educating our youth.

        We will post the top Rise to the Challenge entries later this week. Keep checking the SCORE Sheet for updates.


        Price Rainer
        Communications Coordinator

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